In the last month, LABORTECH participated in three important fairs together with our business partners: CONTROL Stuttgart in Germany, INTERTOOL Wels in Austria and IPAR NAPJAI Budapest in Hungary. These events provided us with an excellent opportunity to present our latest innovations and meet industry experts.

At the CONTROL fair in Stuttgart, Germany, we proudly presented the new CHKTest 450 impact hammer type from EDITION 30. This edition of testing machines and equipment is designed in honor of LABORTECH’s 30th anniversary and will accompany us for the next three years. The new edition boasts a modern design, a new company logo and advanced technologies in the field of mechanical testing of materials.

CONTROL Stuttgart trade fair

At the INTERTOOL and IPAR NAPJAI fairs, we prepared a presentation of the X-RUNNER robotic workplace for plastic impact tests for our partners in Austria and Hungary. This workstation offers high precision and efficiency, making it an ideal solution for testing plastic materials.



Veletrh IPAR NAPJAI Budapešť

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the preparation of our exhibits, our sales representatives GGW Gruber & Co GmbH and SSM Testronik GmbH, and of course also all the customers who visited our stands. Your support and interest in our products is extremely important to us and motivates us to further develop and innovate.

We look forward to further meetings and opportunities where we can present our news and strengthen our business relationships.


The LABORTECH company presents the new LabTest x test machine intended for testing plate, rod, type and selection insulators and assemblies in bending. This innovative machine has a maximum test force of 100 kN, a test length of up to 5500 mm and a bending height of up to 2000 mm, which fully complies with IEC 61952, ČSN IEC 383-1, ČSN IEC 1109, ČSN EN 60305, ČSN EN 61109 and IEC 61952 standards.

One of the main advantages of this machine is its working clamping length and bending height, which enables testing of very long insulators and assemblies, which are often used in the energy industry. The machine is equipped with a swinging mechanism that freely copies the bend of the insulator and does not introduce errors into the measurement.

One of the main emphases in the development of this device was safety. The electromechanical testing machine is equipped with a protective safety cover that meets the strict standards ČSN EN ISO 13849-1, ČSN EN ISO 12100 and ČSN EN ISO 14120. Workplace safety is a priority for us, which is why we have carefully ensured that our device provided maximum protection for both the user and the environment.

With this new testing machine from LABORTECH, you can be sure that your testing will be carried out with the highest precision and safety, and that you will fully meet all the requirements of the applicable standards.