Dynamické zkoušení materiálu

Dynamic servohydraulic testing machine LabTest 6.250H.5

has recently become part of the testing laboratory of the Ukrainian company INTERPIPE NTRP, a global manufacturer of steel pipes and railway wheels. This testing machine, equipped with accessories such as a temperature chamber or a contact strain gauge, was designed and conceived to provide testing and measurement of fracture toughness in CT metal specimens with a load of up to 250 kN and a maximum test frequency of 50 Hz in a dynamic test mode. The tests are performed according to ASTM E399 and ISO 12737 standards.

Zkouška lomové houževnatosti

ASTM E399 and ISO 12737 describe the determination of fracture toughness of metallic materials by fatigue testing of so-called “pre-cracked” specimens 1.6 mm (0.063 in) or more. The force is applied either in tension or in three-point bending. Fracture toughness characterizes the resistance of a material to fracture in various temperature environments in the presence of a sharp crack under linear-elastic stress and strong tensile stress.

All our axial servohydraulic dynamic testing machines are driven by HAD series hydraulic units with a constant pressure of 210 or 280 bar. These hydraulic power units are fully compliant with the Industry 4.0 system, thanks to the remote connection and constant evaluation of the sensors, which ensures permanent condition monitoring and prediction of possible unit failures. A special anti-noise acoustic cover with an integrated cooling system guarantees noise reduction below 65 dB and cooling of the entire hydraulic unit.

HAD hydraulic units are able to intuitively regulate the pressure and amount of oil in the cylinder, thus reducing the oil consumption and energy consumption of the system.

Hydraulické agregáty

Want to know more about our dynamic servohydraulic machines? Write to us or give us a call, we will be happy to answer your questions.


Dynamické zkušební stroje

Electromechanical Dynamic Pulsator Testing Machines EP series 

…Oil-free and noiseless way through dynamic testing…

As part of the implementation of a recent project, one of our Electromechanical Dynamic Pulsator Testing Machines of the EP series became part of the scientific and research laboratory of UNIPETROL RPA, s.r.o. – POLYMER INSTITUTE in Brno.

 This test machine has been designed to provide tensile testing in both static and dynamic modes with loads up to 3 kN and frequencies up to 150Hz using a temperature chamber to change the temperature of the test environment of the test specimen. Thanks to the technology of linear motors, the machine is characterized by almost noiseless and oil-free operation, suitable for testing small metal or plastic samples, composites, or materials for medical and dental purposes such as joint and dental implants, dermatological materials, etc.

Electromechanical Dynamic Pulsator Testing Machines are structurally designed so that they can be easily and quickly extended with other accessories according to the requirements of each customer. The design of the machine itself is then either in a table or stand version.

When handing over all our machines to the customer, it is of course also professional training of staff by our application technicians, who are able to provide you support not only during the training itself, but also long after it, in the form of telephone consultations or online connections and conferences.

Electropulse testing machines

Do Want to know more about our Electromechanical Dynamic Pulsator testing Machines? Write to us or give us a call, we will be happy to answer your questions.


Tensile testing is the most common and one of the most important used mechanical tests of metallic materials, which determines the values of strength and deformation for metal applications, which are essential in the design and construction of various components, commodities, various machines and equipment or entire buildings.

Tensile test

In tensile testing of metallic materials, the standard distinguishes between four temperature ranges in which tensile testing is performed: room temperature, elevated temperature, low temperature and liquid helium temperature. The use of different temperature ranges or the use of liquid helium medium in the tensile test causes a change in the methodology of the tensile test itself, as well as the requirements and requirements for test systems, including the prepared samples. Therefore, the International Standard ISO is divided into four different parts, each corresponding to one of the above temperature ranges:

  • ISO 6892-1 test method at room temperature
  • ISO 6892-2 test method at elevated temperatures
  • ISO 6892-3 test method at lower temperatures
  • ISO 6892-4 test method in liquid helium

In addition to the internationally recognized ISO standards, our machines can perform tests on national standards such as: American ASTM standards, European EN standards, Russian GOST standards, etc. For specialized areas of application, ie the aerospace industry, other specific standards may be important or required.

Recommended LABORTECH Testing Systems for Tensile tests

Universal testing machines

Static servo-hydraulic testing machines

Dynamic and fatigue testing systems


With the world’s leading manufacturer of plastic piping systems, Wavin plastic pipe systems & solutions, we have implemented a project for the production of low-capacity Drop weight tester series DP.2, which will be the current testing laboratory of the production plant in the Czech Republic.

The Drop weight testing machine DPFest 250-2 with nominal energy 250J is used to test the impact resistance of plastic pipes according to DIN UNE EN 744, ISO 3127, EN 1411 and ASTM D2444 standards. The machine is equipped with a number of test strikers by additional test weights and special conical fixtures, which allows a wide range and variation of tests according to different types of plastic pipe diameter. A temperature chamber is also incorporated in the machine frame, capable of temperature adapting the test environment and the tested piping according to the required temperatures.

We bring our many years of experience to your ambitious projects …

As part of the complexity of testing this type of plastic pipe, as set by the standards, it was necessary to equip the machine with another external temperature chamber, in order to achieve maximum authenticity by simulating sudden changes in temperature of test specimens (tested pipe).

High and user-friendly operator comfort meeting all safety regulations …

Testování sedadlových systémů

As part of the recent realization of the project, we delivered to our customer, the American company LEAR CORPORATION, three specially modified LabTest 6.250 E.3 series electromechanical testing machines with a load of up to 250 kN to their Polish plant. The machines were modified to simulate horizontal tensile testing of automotive seat locks, using sprockets and roller chains working on the principle of a pulley system, where the vertical tensile force is converted into a horizontal force.

Immediate and accurate deformation recording…

The pulley system is pulled by a crossbar, which is driven by an AC servo motor and controlled by EDCi electronics. The actual course of the tensile test is recorded by a load cell connected to the Test & Motion + software, and at the same time the visualization of the seat lock deformation is provided by 2 cameras.

Maximum use of test potential…

The special test fixture is installed in a positionably adjustable T-grooved plate, allowing testing at different axes of angle, so that the customer can use the maximum potential for their testing needs and perfect simulation of seat load tests.

Watch the video below and see for yourself how these systems work…

Want to know more about our machines? Write to us or give us a call, we will be happy to answer your questions.



In the process of continuous improvement, we do not only focus on continuous improvement of our machines and equipment, but we also place great emphasis on ensuring that our production and activities related not only to production have the least possible impact on the environment, so we decided to enter the process. certification so that we can be the official holders of a certificate regulating the environmental management system (EMS) as soon as possible.

It is important for us to maintain the integrity of the ecosystem, which is affected daily by external human influences. That is why our company is very proud of this step towards saving the environment and improving the restoration of the ecosystem.


Marcopol Sp. z o.o., which is a leading manufacturer and supplier of fasteners, recently included our universal testing machine of the E.3 LabTest 6.500 series in its testing laboratory.

The LabTest 6.500 testing machine has become a key part of the testing laboratory of the quality control department, where it ensures, among other things, the determination of the strength parameters of the tested material: screws, rods, wires or chains. The machine is equipped with a number of accessories such as wedge self-locking grips, videoextensometer ONE and more.

Using Test & Motion software, the machine evaluates measurements of tensile strength, yield strength or elasticity. As Marcopol itself states “This basic but extremely important study guarantees the high quality of our products adapted to the expectations of construction investment experts not only in Europe but also worldwide. And the fasteners we supply for construction investments therefore meet the requirements international technical standards. “

We are glad that this is precisely our machine that Marcopol can rely on in its research activities.

In the image below you will find a link to a video of the machine, taken directly from the Marcopol laboratory.


The new series of LABCool cooling chambers provides you completely new possibilities for the preparation of your samples!

As part of our development activities, we do not only focus on core products, but also reflect your suggestions and ideas on our accessories, so that we can provide you with support in implementing your ambitious projects.

Chladící komory na vzorkyChladící komory na vzorky

One of these products, which we are currently working on in detail and has undergone a major upgrade, is the cooling chambers of the LABCool series for the preparation of samples for impact tests.

LABCool now brings you a number of practical applications:

  • Temperature range from -80 °C to +20 °C.
  • Tank volume up to 8 liters.
  • Cool up to 91 samples at once.
  • Ensuring temperature homogeneity in the tank.
  • New Siemens touch control system.
  • Possibility of external software control via PC.
  • Setting up multiple user accounts at once.
  • Choice of several language versions.
  • Demonstrably lower noise.
  • Export data using an Internet connection.
  • Use of ecological coolant meeting European standards.
  • Possibility of retrofitting with an ergonomic stand with a sample container for easy handling and storage of samples.

Chladící komora

We have developed the LABCool cooling chamber together with you, which is why it meets even the strictest European directives and standards.

We will install or eliminate the faults of your equipment as part of our comprehensive service.

Would you like to learn more about our cooling chambers? Do not hesitate to contact our business – technical consultants or application technicians, they will be happy to answer all your questions.


Online Pre-acceptances of LABORTECH testing machines and devices

 Comfort and reliable solution that saves time!

We are constantly looking for ways to improve and enhance services for our customers and business partners. The global pandemic situation makes opportunities for face-to-face meetings more difficult, but it also opens up new innovative digital possibilities and opportunities. At LABORTECH, we do not want to miss these opportunities. For this reason, we would like to provide you with the possibility of ONLINE PRE-ACCEPTANCES of our machines and equipment. We want to enable you to verify the reliability of your purchased machines, completely safely and conveniently directly from your office …

As of September 1, 2020, Ing. Libor Klimpar became the COO of LABORTECH s.r.o., who will continue to be responsible for the operation directing and management of the company, strategy-making, policy making to meet the stated goals. Our successful, dynamically developing team will be strengthened by experience from the international environment of engineering companies, where he worked in the areas of business, service, maintenance, assembly and project management.

Ing. Libor Klimpar – COO

Interview with the new CEO of LABORTECH s. r. o.

Mr. Klimpar, what are your first impressions?

It is especially an honor for me to be able to work for such a highly developed technology company and participate in its further development. Thanks to the successful development of a unique technically biaxial machine, we are one of the three world leaders in the test machine market. I feel that mutual openness, cooperation and flexibility are important for the LABORTECH team. Everyone contributes to our development with their work and has a desire to constantly improve and find new solutions.

How does the current situation affect the stability of company?

We are a strong, healthy Czech family company, with a comprehensive portfolio of products, with our own development. We also have a wide range of services.

Thanks to the foresight of Mr. Dušek, owner and company director, we have invested to the promoting of our company, which brings us fruit in the form of orders from around the world and more than 20 industries.

I have to highlight and greatly appreciate the work of foreign partners, supported by our sales team. They successfully sell our products and they support our growth even in today’s difficult times.


Where do you see the future of LABORTECH?

Everywhere in the world. I believe, and our results suggest that even a small Czech company can conquer the world. I believe in our future, because “Every small detail matters” is, by the way, the new motto of our company and it is precisely the details in which we try to excel.

And word at the end?

Thank you and I wish all of us, our colleagues, partners, customers and their families, to overcome the difficulties of today together and in good health.